Shaolin Temple Linage
Shaolin Lineage
Shaolin Generational Naming
The Abbot of the temple at the beginning of the Song Dynasty, Xueting Fuyu, wrote the following poem for the next generations to derive their names from. Chinese names usually consist of three words. Buddhist monks and Disciples worldwide take the last name "Shi" or "Shakya", for Shijiamouni (Shakyamuni) Buddha, to show they are part of his extended family. The first part of a given name is the generational name. For example, the given name of a monk or disciple of the 30th Generation would begin with the character " Su ", as it is the 31st word or "De ", as it is the 31st word in the poem.
A Seventy-character Rhyme of Genealogy for the Orthodox Caodong Sect of the Shaolin Buddhist Temple at Mt. Song

Master Fu Yu's Shaolin Monk naming System
Master Fuyu set down the naming system for passing down Shaolin Kungfu for 70 generations.
This list is as follows: Fu, Hui, Zhi, Zi, Jue, Liao, Ben, Yuan, Ke, Wu, Zhou, Hong, Pu, Guang, Zong, Dao, Qing, Tong, Xuan, Zu, Qing, Jing, Zhen, Ru, Hai, Zhan, Ji, Chun, Zhen, Su, De, Xing, Yong, Yan, Heng, Miao, Ti, Chang, Jian, Gu, Xin, Lang, Zhao, You, Shen, Xing, Ming, Jian, Chong, Zuo, Zhong, Zheng, Shan, Xi, Chan, Jin, Que, Yuan, Ji, Du, Xue, Ting, Wei, Dao, Shi, Yin, Ru, Gui, Xuan, and Lu.
We are now on th 36th Generation